Being a new parent can be overwhelming, especially when figuring out the best way to help your baby sleep. With so much information, it may be pretty hard to know what advice to follow and what to avoid. In this blog article, we'll look at the ten biggest baby sleep mistakes new parents make and what you can do to prevent them.

1. Not establishing a consistent routine

Consistency is essential when it comes to a baby's sleep schedule. To prevent a child from becoming overtired and prone to tantrums, ensure that her bedtime is consistent. Establishing a routine early on will help them know what to expect. A good bedtime routine could include a warm bath, a book, and a lullaby. Creating a consistent bedtime routine can help signal to your baby that it's time to go to sleep.

And most importantly, turn off the lights at roughly the same time. Consistent bedtime and naptime routines can help your infant develop healthy sleep habits. This will help both of you sleep more.

2. Allowing too much stimulation before bed

Babies can become overstimulated easily in a noisy environment, making it hard for them to settle down for bed. Thus, avoiding stimulating activities like playing with toys or watching TV before bed is important. Instead, opt for quiet activities like reading or cuddling. This will help your baby relax and get in the mood for sleep.

3. Feeding a baby to sleep

It can be tempting to feed your baby to sleep, but it can create a dependency on food to fall asleep. Feeding your baby before bed and allowing them to sleep on their own is a better option. This can help your baby learn to fall asleep independently rather than relying on you to do it for them every time.

4. Not swaddling

Swaddling is an excellent way to soothe fussy babies and help them sleep better. Many newborns find the feeling of being wrapped up tightly comforting. It's part and parcel of parents to follow safe swaddling practices, such as not swaddling too tightly and stopping once your baby starts to roll over.

5. Not putting a baby down drowsy but awake

Your infant needs to develop independent sleep and self-soothing skills. Many parents may deem that baby won't sleep unless held. Although it may feel comforting to cuddle your sweetheart and let her drift off to sleep in your arms, she might be upset that you are no longer there if she wakes up later. Putting your infant to bed while still awake but drowsy can help them learn this ability. Putting your baby down for a nap or at night before she is sound asleep is known as "drowsy but awake." If they wake up in the middle of the night, this will aid them in going back to sleep.

6. Putting Them to Sleep Wherever You Are

No one wants to be held captive to their child's sleep schedule, but the simple truth is that naps in the stroller, car seat, or high chair do not give your baby the sleep they need. The underlying fact is that motion sleep keeps the brain in a light sleep, so the child isn't falling into a deep, restful slumber.

Babies sleep comfortably and efficiently when their surroundings are calm, cool, and dark. Your baby needs a comfortable sleep area where they can sleep for naps and night at the same time every day if they are to develop excellent sleeping patterns. Make sure there are no disruptions or disturbances to help your infant sleep. A white noise machine may effectively block out any outside noise, and blackout drapes work well to create a dark environment. 

7. Waiting too long to establish a sleep schedule

Beginning your kid with a regular sleep routine as early as 6-8 weeks of age can assist in the development of healthy sleep patterns. By establishing a routine, you may help your infant become more conscious of when it is time to sleep.

8. Not recognizing tired cues

Do you know how to tell if your infant is sleepy? Try to look for some of the typical sleep-ready symptoms. Babies show signs when they are getting tired, such as yawning, wiping eyelids, fussing or crying, or grabbing at her ear. Recognizing these cues and putting your baby to bed before they become overtired will make it easier for them to fall asleep.

9. Overreacting to disrupted sleep

Babies have sleep cycles, just like adults do. It's normal for them to wake up during the night. It's important not to overreact to disrupted sleep and allow your baby to settle back down independently. Rushing in the room every time your baby makes a noise can create a dependence on you to fall back asleep.

10. Too Soon From Crib to Big Child Bed

Switching From Crib to Big-Kid Bed Too Soon is a common error committed by parents. When your toddler tries to get out of their crib on their own and runs the risk of hurting themselves, it is advised that they transition to a big child bed. Until then, a crib's sides serve as a helpful barrier when your child is too young to comprehend or comply with verbal cues (like "Stay in your bed").

There are two primary approaches you might take if you're prepared to make the switch from toddler to large kid:

- The "cold turkey" approach: Take away the crib and put the new bed in its place. Just make sure there are guard rails on both sides (or put the rail on the open side if the bed is up against a wall).

- The method of progression: Start by leaving the crib rail down, providing your child with a stool at the side so they can exit on their own, and some pillows next to the bed in case they trip and fall.

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In conclusion, as a new parent, establishing healthy sleep habits for your baby should be a top priority. By avoiding the common mistakes outlined above, you can help ensure your little one gets the rest they need to stay healthy and happy.

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June 16, 2023 — Support Customer
Tags: how-to Tips

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