Organization Hacks For Your Baby's Nursery

Being a new parent and keeping a clean space for your baby to play and sleep can be overwhelming, especially if you have a newborn baby, with all of the clothes, diapers, stuffed animals, and baby care essentials lying around and almost no time to pick everything up.
You don't need to have a strict regime when it comes to baby napping, playing, and learning. You also need to prioritize organization in your baby's space to make caring for them and going through your day-to-day activities as easy as possible and to have everything handy for when you need it, like when you need to change your baby's clothes after eating.
Organization tips for your nursery:
Considering safety when organizing

Organization tips for your nursery:
Use fabric boxes for storage: They're easier to handle and will probably go with your decoration better than plastic boxes. Besides, the soft material will avoid accidents and not having any plastic pieces that can be loosened, you'll be avoiding shocking hazards.
Label your drawers: Wherever you have them, make sure to put a small label outside the drawers to know exactly where you keep everything, from clothes to baby care items. This will help you stay on top of things and will also be a great guide if you have someone helping you or caring for the baby.
Keep your changing station tidy: While this can be one of the places that can get more disorganized, it's also the spot where you need to have many things at hand. You could have a small shelf above the station with small baskets with everything you need inside and separated to make the process much easier and faster.
Use the space under the crib for storage: Especially for blankets, pillows, or big stuffed animals that you don't necessarily use on your baby every day. You can use big plastic boxes to keep under the crib with all these items for whenever you need them and extra empty ones to have in case they're necessary.

Considering safety when organizing
While ensuring that everything has a place and looks nice in the nursery, you also need to consider safety measures when organizing. For example, make sure all the boxes or baskets are out of your baby's reach so that they can't pull them. Another thing would be to consider getting tools to baby-proof your drawers, ensuring that your baby is unable to open them and take things from inside or accidentally crash his fingers. Also, remember to always keep a secure and good place for your baby monitor to avoid boxes being in front of it and obstructing your view of your baby.