What’s the Difference Between 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi?
As we all know that, both 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi are used for wireless connection. In fact, they are two completely different terms.

What’s the difference between 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi? It may be very confusing to people who are not familiar with the technology. This article is going to help to figure out the answers.
5G is the fifth generation of wireless telecommunications standards, which is an update on speed and performance. the “G” of “5G” stands for “generation”.

Compared with 4G, 5G is more efficient. With the development of computing power in base stations, 5G is able to use wider channels, communicating with remote serves more responsively, packing more data into one radio cycle, and addressing more devices per square mile.
In this case, 5G can provide a more stable framework for IoT products. This is also way, nowadays you find more and more physical products like televisions, air conditioners, and fridge freezers, etc to connect to the internet.
5GHz Wi-Fi
In contrast, 5GHz Wi-Fi refers to a frequency band — five gigahertz. Wi-Fi mainly uses two frequency bands, which are 2.4GHz and 5GHz. Compared to 2.4GHz, which only has three available channels and a limited network speed, 5GHz Wi-Fi provides more available channels to increase speed. For example, in an apartment that has its own router and Wi-Fi network, 5GHz Wi-Fi runs much faster than 2.4GHz Wi-Fi.

However, there is still a disadvantage to 5GHz Wi-Fi. It is not able to pass through objects and walls so well. Therefore, in order to provide a stronger and more stable network connection, Netvue smart home cameras are mainly supporting 2.4GHz Wi-Fi.
Sometimes you might also notice that some routers are branded “dual-band” or “Tri-band”, which is letting you know that the router operates in both 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency ranges. If you experience a connection fail issue, the Wi-Fi band might be the most possible reason.
Even though 5G and 5GHz Wi-Fi are two different things, they have been changing our lifestyle in a much more convenient and smarter direction. Check out Netvue smart home cameras and build your first step to the smart world :-)
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