A.I. Motion Video Recording
Netvue has always been devoted to bringing Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to our products. Good news is that after constant research and trial, A.I. Motion Video Recording is available now. When motion video is equipped with A.I., let’s see how smart it can be!
What can A.I. do?
Human Detection (Cloud-based): This advanced Human Detection reaches an accuracy of 96%, dramatically reduces false and missed notifications. Compared with the performance of the previous Human Detection in Lab Features, whose accuracy is 70%-80%, this is really a big step forward.
Upcoming Features: Not only human, but also cars, pets, etc. are to be filtered and classified with different tags.
How to guarantee 96% accuracy?
What Netvue adopts is a scalable, high-speed, web-based cloud storage service, which allows to add image analysis to Netvue App. With that, detecting, remembering and recognizing objects are much more accurate.
96% is the lab data, and a relatively complete human form is needed for better performance. The testing was done under standard laboratory conditions and actual performance may vary.
How to get A.I. Motion Video?
Go to Netvue App-Settings-Cloud Service-AI Motion Video Recording to find it! Only $4.99 per month to experience.
All Home cams, Orb cams and Vigil outdoor cams are supported, and you need update to the latest firmware version (1277) and latest App version (5.10.0+ for both Android and iOS) to get it.
After subscribe to A.I. Motion Video Recording, Human Detection in Lab Features will be automatically disabled.
For those who have subscribed to Motion Video Recording before, please contact support@netvue.com if you want to switch to A.I. Motion Video Recording.
What’s new with A.I. Motion Video?
1. When motion detected, motion video is triggered and Smart Clip starts recording.
2. If human detected in the video, Netvue App will alert you immediately, helping you to check what’s happening in time.
3. In the Notification page, all human detections will be filtered and tagged with a human shaped icon on the upper left corner.
4. Enable “Human alert only”, means you will be notified only when it detects human, but you can still view all motion detections on the Notification list.
With A.I. Motion Video Recording, we believe that fewer of your dogs are being recognized as humans, but we know we still have lots of work to do. Believe us, Netvue products will get better and better.
Thank you all for dreaming big with us!